Tuesday 7 November 2017

No 12156, Tuesday 07 Nov 2017, xChequer

7   Student expelled, family name suffering disgrace (6) INFAMY {FAMIlY+N}*
8   Brand new index-linked discount (8) MARKDOWN {MARK}{DOW}{N}
9   BBC examined food for workers (3,5)  BEE BREAD {BEE}{B}{READ}
10 Slender steel, very supple (6) SVELTE {STEEL+V}*
11 Clearing examination in first place, delighted to be in the lead (5) GLADE {GLAD}{Ex...n}
12 Artist subtly showing low clouds (6) STRATI*
14 Call to keep business as usual smooth, thus new projects cut by turn (3,4,4,2,2) THE SHOW MUST GO ON {GO} in {SMOOTH+THUS+NEW}*
17 Speed around island reflecting frozen formation (3,3) ICE CAP {PACE}{C}{I}<=
18 Employer gathers hot lead (5) USHER {US{H}ER}
22 Wound up on time, needs to travel (6) TENSED {T}{NEEDS*}
23 Urge, and unfortunately energy, lacking in majority (8) UNDERAGE {URGE+AND}*{E}
24 Pepper posing peril, one lost skin (8) SPRINKLE {PERIL+SKiN}*
25 Shell company wire tapped (6) COWRIE {CO}{WIRE*}

1   Sick with hunger, half delirious, rolling in it losing head (9) UNHEALTHY {HUNger}*{wEALTHY}
2   Crudely slapped beau traumatised through heartless deed (6) DAUBED {De{BEAU*}eD}
3   Irons baggy vest collars (5) GYVES [T]
4   Lock rebelling fool inside? That's wrong (8) TRESPASS{TRES{SAP<=}S}
5   Notice male band bonding (8) ADHERING {AD}{HE}{RING}
6   Sharp blow by hand leaving clear strip (5) SWATH {SWAT}{H}
8   Bespoke uniform in mode, same rate charged (4,2,7) MADE TO MEASURE {U} in {MODE+SAME+RATE}*
13 Excuse me, you're asked to return? (4,5)  COME AGAIN [DD]
15 One piece, possibly alternative to sink, on trial (8) SWIMSUIT {SWIM}{SUIT}
16 Roger looked key, bowling short of length (4,4) OKEY DOKE {lOOKED+KEY}*
19 24 point spread (6) STREWN {STREW}{N}
20 Bounded by bank hiding northern point (5) LEAPT {LEAn}{PT}
21 Bring down without starting to bring out (5) EDUCE rEDUCE



  1. l9a BBC is "the beeb". Shouldn't the article be deleted in the clue.

    1. Perhaps but beeb=BBC is ok imo

    2. That's 9a so others can reach that quickly.

    3. Yesterday we had to add 'the' for ONE OVER 'THE' EIGHT, and today we ignore it. I think we have to give leeway for such well written clues.

  2. A lot easier today. 45 minutes for this one.

  3. 8D- I think def. is only 'bespoke' since U is from uniform.
    13& 15D nicely made.
    Yes, comparatively easier and so enjoyable.

  4. Overheard a conversation between A and B :

    A) This UNHEALTHY trend should stop....
    B} COME AGAIN, what did you say (His attention having LEAPT up from his smart phone)
    A) I was mentioning about the people who TRESSPASS not ADHERING to the norms. Taking about MADE TO MEASURE SWIMSUIT here...
    B) Oh don't get TENSED. In spite of all this THE SHOW MUST GO ON you know. Dont you worry some garbage STREWN around.

  5. COWRIE: Col: the pic is made to measure and I marvel at the 3- d effect caused by the shadow. COME AGAIN with such nice ones !

    BEE BREAD is food for thought. A new term learnt today. So was SWATH -no lisping !

  6. 19D I am not getting the connection between 24 and STREW

