Monday 14 May 2018

No 12316, Monday 15 May 2018, The Phantom

8   Certificate of study about schooling essentially at University (6) COUPON {CO{UP}{schoOling}N}
 I procure counters for the better (8) CROUPIER* &lit
10 Catch after ache requiring great effort (4,4) LONG HAUL {LONG} {HAUL}
11 Gland contributing to healthy muscle? Rather the opposite! (6) THYMUS [T]
12 Man going around sporting flashy watch (6) BEHOLD {B{HE<=}OLD}
13 Relative died in well that's shallow? (4,4) SKIN DEEP {S{KIN}{D}EEP}
15 Crude boat in seaway evacuated (7) SKETCHY {Sea{KETCH}waY}
17 Not very eager to include many for agitation (7) FERMENT FER(-v+m)MENT
20 Take off on excellent Royal runway (8) AIRSTRIP {A1}{R}{STRIP}
22 Trading in cotton exchanging tips from thrifty businessman (6) TYCOON COT(-t+y)YON* Not sure of Anno
23 Cutback on fuel regularly in the last month (6) ULTIMO {fUeL}{OMIT<=}
25 Woo female at last with a new dance (8) COURANTE {COUR{A}{N}T}{f...lE}
26 Lethargic at home I have skirted work (8) INACTIVE {IN}{ACT}{I'VE}
27 Daughter in shock over coiffure (6) HAIRDO {HAIR}{D}{O}

1   Kind of collar only carried by policeman mounted on horseback basically (4-4) POLO-NECK {PO{LONE}C<=}{h...cK}
2   Opening lips to get one's flap behind the tongue (10) EPIGLOTTIS {LIPS+TO+GET+1}*
3   One's contribution without pressure is voluntary (6) UNPAID {UN}{P}{AID}
4   Ophthalmologist's tip to succeed — focus endlessly (7) OCULIST {LIST} after {fOCUs}
5   Caught often crossing median, pedestrian is chastened (8) CONTRITE {C}{OfteN}{TRITE}
6   Nimble scout crosses river (4) SPRY {SP{R}Y}
7   Review to continue … (6) RESUME [DD]
14 … popular comic rated very high (10) DEMOCRATIC 'Very' is superfluous
16 With heart full of love, man in chair composed music (8) HARMONIC {M(-a+o)ON} in {CHAIR}*
18 Small number to dine around lunchtime (8) NOONTIDE {NO}{TO+DINE}*
19 Variety of Eastern spices being prepared (7) SPECIES {E+SPICES}*
21 Doing nothing one would fish? (6) IDLING {I'D}{LING}
22 Over-sensitive Tory expressing pain for men (6) TOUCHY T(-or+ouch)OUCHY
24 Pain quietly dissipating in part of foot (4) INCH pINCH



  1. 22A was biffable without getting the parsing as were a few others. Mr. Walker entertaining as usual.
    Remembered My name is Khan for Epiglottis. Courante was new but gettable from WP.
    Thanks to The Ghost Who Walks.

  2. 22A- (Cotton-t+y)*
    Exchanging tips of thrifty- Y for T.
    I think trading is the anind.

  3. Enjoyable exercise to start the week. Thank you Walker.

  4. 17A- I was distracted by 'Not very eager'- did not spot removal of V. Nicely done.

  5. 8A- Up from? I could only get U from university.

    1. To or at University (in formal language) = Up Paddy. (Up at Cambridge/Oxford)

    2. It appears to be specific Cambridge/oxford). And the usage seems to be "he is up", " at Cambridge". UP/down from country/London (coming up in that university is starting the new semester and sending down is failing the semester and being sent home (downwards)). I see its in chambers but shouldn't there be indication for such a specific usage.

    3. U and UP have regularly been used in Crosswords for University

  6. 4D- A different kind of tip- list. Searching for tips for a while.

    1. You need to be listful to get the tip !

      Listing and leaning of a ship, to save it from the tip of the iceberg? ##

      10 across:LONG HAUL. Good catch ! I got it after angling along.

      Why is Phantom dubbed as a Walker?

    2. Again the same question and again the same answer! Phantom is the 'Ghost who walks'.

    3. From Lee Falks comic. That used to be published by Indrajal comics and was a staple diet for me as kid.

  7. The bouncer and the dancer - Part 35

    As he left the AIRSTRIP SS began thinking about the turn of events. Here he was caught in what seemed to be a LONG HAUL chase.

    He wanted to be a TYCOON IDLING away his time INACTIVE in Shangri-la after taking it over.

    It was NOONTIDE and he felt that going alone to the DCC was a TOUCHY task.
    It would be best he thought if he RESUMES the journey to DCC together with Kayal along with tourists on a conducted tour.

    In the bus a guy wearing a POLONECK tee with a wierd HAIRDO seemed to be frequently looking towards Kayal.

    What happened next?

  8. Story coming out first thing in the morning all the way from Va- thank you CGB.
