Sunday 13 May 2018

The Sunday Crossword No 2995, Sunday 13 May 2018

1   Field covered with variety of shady shrubs (10) HYDRANGEAS {HYD{RANGE}AS*}

Hydrangea May 2012-1.jpg

By Alvesgaspar - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
6   Inspire scorn, dropping name (4) SPUR SPURn
9   Pass westward around good island, showing sense (5) LOGIC {LO{G}{I}C<=}
10 Sweet advance, seizing moment with run before work (5,4) LEMON DROP {LE{MO}ND}{R}{OP}

Lemon Drops.jpg

12 Instrument in old saloon perhaps popular with audience initially (7) OCARINA {O}{CAR}{IN}{Au...e}
13 Archives in care of king seized by revolutionaries (7) RECORDS {RE{CO}{R}DS}
14 Mountaineer near muddy ground around tor? (6,7) EDMUND HILLARY {NEAR+MUDDY}* over {HILL}
17 Story by bishop, weak, involving hesitation before church wine (13) LIEBFRAUMILCH {LIE{B}{FRA{UM}IL}CH}
21 Potential row after daughter admitted to obsession (7) BUDDING {BU{D}{DIN}G}
22 Judge in revolutionary period accepting part with resistance (7) ARBITER {AR{BIT}E<=}{R}
24 Extended barrier in eastern capital? Not on (9) ELONGATED {E}{LON{GATE}Don}
25 Grand number followed by odd pieces from ballet (5) NOBLE {NO}{BaLlEt}
26 Carry toddler with energy (4) TOTE {TOT}{E}
27 Engine component about level with small handle (10) CRANKSHAFT {C}{RANK}{S}{HAFT}

1   Large room, outstanding, sanctified (8) HALLOWED {HALL}{OWED}
2   Follow mother's teaching (5) DOGMA {DOG}{MA}
3   Dodgy gear I continue selling (13) AUCTIONEERING*
4   Giant success? End up with hotel (7) GOLIATH {GO}{TAIL<=}{H}
5   One in drama at sea left naval officer (7) ADMIRAL {ADM{1}RA*}{L}
7   Picture in doorway catching shaft of light (9) PORTRAYAL {PORT{RAY}AL}
8   Rest with engineers present (6) REPOSE {RE}{POSE}
11 Discount large scam, coming up with goals and beginning to bear burden (2-6,5) NO-CLAIMS BONUS {L}{CON}<={AIMS}{Bear}{ONUS}
15 Commercial, in distortion of moral appeal, lacking skill (9) MALADROIT {MAL{AD}RO*}{IT}
16 Most acute pressure in parts over time (8) SHARPEST {SHAR{P}ES}{T}
18 Raised in Nazareth, gifted one with unyielding determination (7) FIGHTER [T<=]
19 Lack of restraint in scrap (7) ABANDON [DD]
20 Protest? It's a thing (6) OBJECT [DD]
23 Bone from bird endlessly conserved by volunteers (5) TIBIA {T{IBIs}A}


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